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K2 Base Camp Trek Itinerary


First Aid Kit



Tour guide



The period from June to October offers the ideal conditions for embarking on the K2 Base Camp trek and exploring the Karakoram region of Pakistan.


The group size is limited to 12 Participants.


Book with minimum advance rest pay after arrival.


Embark on an unforgettable journey through Pakistan with Universal Travels Holidays & Event Planners. Here are the flight details and a brief itinerary for your trip:

Altitude: 537 m


Upon your arrival, our guide(s) will greet you, hold a placard at the airport, and facilitate your transfer to the designated hotel and dinner, followed by briefings about the program. This day is primarily for participants to unwind and recuperate after their journey.

Altitude: 2,498 m


Embark on a breathtaking morning flight from Islamabad to Skardu airport, weather permitting, offering views of Nanga Parbat. Upon arrival in Skardu, the day is at leisure.


Altitude: 2,498 m


After breakfast, visit Kharpocho Fort for scenic views. Optional trip to Sadpara Lake and shopping in Skardu Bazaar. Our team handles documentation, with contingency days for delays.

Altitude: 3,015 m


Embark on a jeep safari from Daso, traversing the scenic Shigar valley alongside the Braldu River to reach Askole, our final village stop. Depending on road conditions, the trek may commence before or after reaching Askole, taking approximately six to eight hours.

Altitude: 3,103 m

Distance: 20 km

Duration: 5-8 hours


After preparations, porters will lead the trek towards Jhola. Trekking alongside Biafo Glacier, participants will navigate moraines, cross the Korofon river, and follow the Braldu riverbank to reach Jhola camp.


Altitude: 3,418 m

Distance: 19.8 km Duration: 6-7 hours


Participants follow the Braldu gorge, passing the iconic Trango Tower and Cathedral Peak. Caution: protect against sunburns due to dry, hot conditions. River crossings may require special shoes. End the day ascending from the river to the Paiju camp, the last with trees for a stretch.

Altitude: 3,418 m


The Participants will rest and acclimate at Paiju Camp. Meanwhile, porters prepare bread for the upcoming week on the glacier. An acclimatisation walk to Paiju Peak base camp is also an option for the day.

Altitude: 3,788 m

Distance: 14.


7 km Time: 5-7 hours The trek offers challenging terrain but stunning views of the Baltoro Glacier, Trango Tower, and Uli Biaho. Participants traverse the glacier to Liligo, then follow a rocky trail to Khoburtse for camping.

Altitude: 3,905 m

Distance: 6.4 km

Time: 4-6 hours


After travelling through two small glaciers, participants reach Urdukus, located 100m above the glacier, offering views of the iconic Trango Towers.

Altitude: 4,285 m

Distance: 11.9 km

Time: 6-8 hours


Participants traverse the glacier’s medial moraine, with views of Masherbrum. Climbing rocky moraines and passing massive ice seracs, they reach Goro II, the meeting point of Baltoro and Younghusband glaciers. Expect a dramatic temperature drop with sights of Masherbrum and Muztagh Tower.

Altitude: 4,512 m

Distance: 11.7 km

Time: 5-7 hours


Participants ascend the moraine, witnessing the emergence of iconic peaks like K2, Broad Peak, and Gasherbrum. Concordia offers unparalleled views, including Sia Kangri and more majestic summits.


Return time to K2 BC, Gilkey, and Broad Peak: 10-12 hours

Return time to Broad BC: 6-7 hours


Embark on a challenging trek to the Art Gilkey Memorial near K2 Base Camp. Starting early, participants traverse glaciers on a faint trail towards K2. Broad Peak stands prominently to the right, with the option to halt at its base camp. Beyond, the Gilkey Memorial honors those lost to K2. After lunch and soaking in views, the return journey leads back to Concordia.

Altitude: 4,010 m

Distance: 15.9 km

Time: 6-7 hours


Participants descend towards Goro I, making for an easier trekking day.

Altitude: 3,788 m

Distance: 13.8 km

Time: 5-7 hours


Participants return to Urdukas via the glacier, enjoying distinctive views of Trango Towers along the way.


Altitude: 3,418 m

Distance: 14.7 km

Time: 5-7 hours


Participants descend beside the glacier via Liligo, transitioning from moraine to stable ground and reaching the tree-lined Paiju campsite.

Altitude: 3,418 m

Distance: 19.8 km

Time: 5-7 hours


Participants follow the familiar trail along the Braldu gorge, with potential river crossings, ending the day at the Jhola campsite

Altitude: 2,498 m

Distance: 20 km trek + 127 km drive

Time: 5-7 hours trek + 6 hours drive


Participants return to Askole by foot, then enjoy a jeep transfer to Skardu post-lunch

Altitude: 538 m


Reserved for trek delays; ensures guests don’t miss flights. Opportunity for Skardu sightseeing.

Altitude: 538 m


Participants fly from Skardu to Islamabad. If flights are cancelled, an 8-10 hour drive to Chilas is arranged.

This day is reserved in case of flight disruptions. If needed, participants will drive from Chilas to Islamabad, a journey of up to ten hours. If flights operate smoothly, it’s a free day for sightseeing in Islamabad.

Meal: Breakfast


Guests will be transferred to the airport based on their departure schedules. Please note the hotel check-out time is 12 pm.



Please note: This is a basic outline, and actual itineraries can vary based on weather conditions, group pace, and other factors. Always ensure you’re well-prepared and consider hiring a reputable trekking agency for such expeditions.

Prepare for an extraordinary adventure as you explore the beauty and culture of Pakistan with Universal Travels Holidays & Event Planners.